How to Whitelist in Hotmail?

Hotmail places any emails that it interprets as SPAM in "Junk" folder - located in the left navigation after you logged in. You'll have to check this folder every so often to make sure that an email you wanted to receive did not end-up here. To whitelist our email in your Hotmail account, you need to add to your Hotmail Safe List. Here's how:

Step 1: Log in to your Hotmail account.

Step 2: If you find email from us in your Hotmail junk folder, open the email and click "Not Junk".


Step 3: In the upper right hand corner, click "Options", and then select "More options..." from the drop-down menu.

Hotmail Saft Sender

Step 4: In the "Mail" tab, click on "Safe and blocked senders" link.

Hotmail Saft Sender

Step 5: Click "Safe senders" link.

Safe senders

Step 6: Type  in the dialog box titled "Sender or domain to mark as safe", and then click "Add to list", and you will see it in the "Safe senders and domains" list.


That's it! If you want to add more email addresses or domains into the safe sender list, you can just repeat step 6.